This year, the ADJ team has resolved to resist the unnecessary busyness that sometimes surrounds the holiday season and, instead, focus on moments and memories. These moments often serve as design inspiration as we help clients create spaces in which to create their own memories. We’ve had fun sharing favorite holiday traditions with each other and wanted to share with you. Here are a few ways we’re adding that special touch this holiday season—we can’t wait to hear your ideas, too!
1. Signature Cocktails
Hosting a holiday gathering can get complicated if you try to have a fully stocked bar with ingredients for dozens of drinks. Keep things simple, stylish, and festive by choosing a signature cocktail. We love to host parties and feature a special beverage that brings everyone together. Give it a fun name, think about basing it off of an inside joke or memory, and create something that instantly inspires conversation and camaraderie!

2. Personalized Gifts
A personalized gift can communicate so much and let someone know just how much you value them. Alicia had these personalized jackets made for everyone at ADJ, and we love everything about them—from the cherries to the pearl studs to the rock’n’roll black denim, they’re just so US! Consider giving a personalized gift that’s as fun to give as it is to receive and makes the recipient feel seen and special.
3. Movie Nights
What would the holidays be without movies? Transform an average night in front of the TV into a themed movie night with just a tiny bit of effort. Many of our staff enjoy holiday-themed movie nights with friends and family, and sometimes even coordinate with matching pajamas! From holiday classics to the season’s newest films, make it special by popping some popcorn, making hot cocoa and peppermint brownies, and cuddling up for a cozy evening together. You can do this multiple times throughout the season—let each person take turns picking the movie!

4. Night By Design
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holidays and designate a special night of fun. Pick a night to lose the to-do lists and simply enjoy everything you love about the season. For me, it can be a cozy corner booth in a restaurant for a leisurely dinner followed by a trip to the art museum for soul-filling inspiration. Or my annual low-stress, laughter-filled baking night with my sister. For others, it may be a favorite beverage and stroll to enjoy holiday lights. Whatever it is, make it a night that fills you up.
5. Make Time to Laugh
Some of our favorite holiday traditions aren’t expensive or excessive; the best often don’t cost a thing. A long time ago, my sister and I established the tradition of giving each other a gift in the same tattered box year after year. We get the biggest kick out of seeing that box each year and laughing about the creative ways we have taped it up to remain useful. We open it very carefully and giggle, wondering how much longer we can make it last. Look for the glee and joy this holiday season and remember that it may be in something silly and small.
Happy Holidays from our family to yours! We wish you all the best for a stylish, memorable, and joyful season.